“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Our Programs

Addiction Treatment
at Recover Together Bend

Contrary to popular belief, quitting drugs isn’t merely a matter of willpower. Someone who is addicted to drugs will continue using them even if they don’t want to anymore.

Overcoming addiction is a battle because of the way drug abuse changes the brain. Some substances are more addictive than others, but drug abuse almost always leads to a problem. In all cases, it’s crucial to be both supportive and unmoving about treatment.

 Recover Together Bend offers medically assisted detoxification services and high intensity inpatient residential treatment. We do not offer outpatient services at our facility.

Detox and Inpatient Residential Treatment for Addiction Treatment

At Recover Together Bend we use Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) to help individuals detoxify from substances such as opioids or alcohol. MAT involves the use of FDA-approved medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a "whole-patient" approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.

Depending on the drug, this stage can last as little as a few days or as much as several weeks.

 Abruptly quitting certain drugs without expert supervision can lead to problematic side effects, especially if your loved one developed physiological dependence on it. Drugs like opioids and alcohol can cause physical withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and severe tremors. More severe symptoms like seizures and marked agitation can also appear.

After completing detox, many people choose to continue with our inpatient residential treatment program. In this program, you will engage in group and individual therapy, participate in fun and engaging group activities that promote long term success in recovery, such as AA/NA meetings, yoga, meditation, and hiking.

  • Though the exact nature of detox experiences vary between individuals, when your loved one attends a center for addiction treatment, they will likely go through three stages:


    First, the medical team performs a complete medical and mental health assessment, including tests to identify drugs in the body. All of this information helps the staff establish a course of action and which medications, if any, they need to give a patient.


    Stabilizing means returning a patient to sobriety comfortably. The goal is to make the process as comfortable as possible. There are several ways your team can achieve this:

    • administering medications, if necessary

    • a variety of psychosocial interventions

    • working with other loved ones to help motivate the member

    Additionally, staff will introduce patients to the treatment plan and help them understand what to expect.

  • The final step is promoting a successful transition to addiction treatment programs. Getting drugs out of the body isn’t the end-all of treatment because all of the pressure to continue using is still there. Detox alone does not guarantee long-term recovery.

  • Most addiction treatment programs primarily feature group therapy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. On a specific schedule, groups meet and discuss their feelings, problems, changes in the last day, or conflicts that arise.

    Often, members receive a “buddy” who is further along the recovery process. This buddy acts as a mentor and can soften transitional difficulties in the group setting.

    Although each resident undergoes group therapy as part of treatment, some may also receive private therapy sessions on an as-needed basis.

  • Individual sessions allow counselors to focus more precisely on a client’s struggles with drug or alcohol use. They also give the team space to assess other areas of impaired functioning, including family relations, illegal activity, and employment status.

    Through an emphasis on short-term behavior, individual therapy helps members establish healthier coping strategies that promote drug abstinence. Many programs also encourage 12-step participation.

    Recover Together Bend can safely guide Oregon residents through the withdrawal process and facilitate long-term recovery. Contact us today to learn more.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

Inpatient or Residential facilities offer the most intense, well-rounded treatment approach since the patient lives at the facility during their course of treatment.

Residential programs also boast the highest rate of long-term recovery, however, sometimes these programs are not convenient for everyone. Therefore there are outpatient program options.

Recover Together Bend does not provide outpatient services, but we are more than happy to refer you to local providers.

Holistic Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Holistic refers to an approach that considers the “whole person” in health care.

This means focusing on the mind, body, and soul at the same time when treating an individual.

 Many treatment centers employ a holistic approach to help members better attend to their physical and mental health needs. Members who participate in holistic treatment opportunities like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy often see significant improvements.

  • Generally speaking, treatment facilities develop comprehensive treatment plans that carefully factor the intersections between physical, mental, and spiritual health. Some of these techniques come from various evidence-based programs. Many are considered alternative treatments best used to supplement more primary forms of addiction treatment.

    Holistic treatment options include:

    • Yoga

    • Meditation

    • Nutritional therapy

    • Soundwave therapy

    • Biofeedback

    • Adventure therapy

    • Recreational activities

    Holistic treatment options can also draw in individuals who would otherwise not consider seeking help in a drug rehab program. Routine activities can make your loved one feel more comfortable in a new environment facing significant challenges.

  • Some facilities augment recovery with holistic approaches that may help alleviate:

    • Withdrawal symptoms

    • Stress or other emotional issues

    • Mental health conditions

    • Bad eating habits

    • Feeling a lack of spirituality